Jambo everyone,
DeafAid will have a meeting this Friday 2nd February to look at book explain deaf roles etc and "approving the content of the materials for online resource". That mean Deaf Aid develop resources to support teachers in deaf schools to learn from internet website talk about deaf education deaf people etc. For teachers? Oh hearing teachers you mean, Jean Claude? Why not focus on KSL educational resources?
Your little boy Kevin Warnke is doing a good job develop that further. His idea, he very smart, he know deaf community 100000 times better than you, Jean Claude.
BUT BUT BUT you care more about your bright shine shoes that is never dirty. Maybe you can change your mind, get your lovely expensive lshoes dirty, focus what is needed. KSL CURRICULUM, KSL EDUCATION. KSL/ENGLISH RESOURCES example biology resources in two languages English and KSL?
Too hard for you, Jean Claude? You want only English. Oh you want deaf kids talk English only? OK we understand you.
No, we don't understand you. Why English? Why not KSL as well?
Deaf people who will go to the Deaf Aid meeting this Friday:
* Mzee Wango (KNAD Director)
* Washington Akranga (KSLRP)
* Rahab Mumbi Faike (Liverpool VCT)
* Joseph Ogola (KNAD Chair)
There may be more but tell Mzee Bubu at: deafprideofafrica@gmail.com
Mzee Bubu very glad happy that Mzee Wango is going becz he will be strong voice, say what the deaf community think.
Rahab Mumbi is the only deaf lady in the group, Mzee Bubu thinks.
Good for Deaf Aid they very serious inform talk together.
DEAF TEACHERS NEED HELP support too. Deaf Aid write in English English English English. Very little few in KSL, our true real language. We use KSL to teach deaf kids why English English English. Deaf Aid knows that. Maybe Jean Claude same as us, his English not very good oh bottom level English, he can feel same level as us deaf but no, he think he dont need us?!
We want hearing teachers get out of our primary schools for deaf children: we want 100% deaf teachers 100% deaf principals we want 100% positive teach atmosphere proud to be deaf, teachers deaf everywhere, teach deaf children.
Maseno School for the Deaf have 10 deaf staff: deaf teachers, deaf librarian, deaf cooks, deaf helpers. There is 3 deaf teachers. Good positive. Need more work. Humble Hearts School have 3 deaf teachers (2 from Machakos Teacher College) and a part time deaf teacher who teach KSL to parents there.
Global Deaf Connection help kenya develop more deaf teachers trained. Maybe there are 30 p1 teachers qualified now like some from Machakos Teacher College thanks to Joel, some from Kamagambo Adventist Teachers Training College (oldest college in kenya build in 1913 mzee bubu think) near Kuja thanks to Nickson. Nickson & Joel (both GDC) work hard see Kenya develop more deaf teachers. Whose idea? Mzee Wango. He is Kenya first deaf teacher many years ago. Wow.
Why Deaf Aid focus on hearing teachers? Do they say deaf teachers no good. Hearing teachers more important?
TSC and Minstry of Education and KISE must support development in deaf community by say all teachers in deaf primary schools must be DEAF DEAF DEAF not hearing who sign very bad. Hearing teachers most of them they sit in schools do nothing, get comfort wages their jobs safe thank you ignore deaf children's important future, bad bad.
Kenya Federation of Deaf Teachers is set up to support Deaf Teachers. Mzee Bubu very happy. Good group of people, want to see future change improve better education for deaf children.
Deaf teachers love love love love deaf children. They want the best for deaf children. Hearing teachers dont care, they just eat, eat and eat. They hit deaf children, laugh say you can't do that you are deaf!
Deaf Kenyans can do ANYTHING. We are not Kikuyu, Luo, Luhya, Masai, we are Deaf, citizen of an international community. Hearing teachers? They cry 'my tribe! My tribe!' Deaf no time for tribes. We want strong united same everywhere.
check out KFDT website at:
Tell everyone about Mzee Bubu: deafpride.blogspot.com
mzee bubu belongs to kenya deaf community. all deaf the same together strong together.
Mzee Bubu speaks the truth and he want a strong, united, informed Deaf Community of Kenya!
email Mzee Bubu with info: deafprideofafrica@gmail.com
Wednesday, 31 January 2007
Monday, 29 January 2007
"Hello, Jean Claude, hello?"
jean claude, where are you? Did you disappear from our bars in Nairobi? The deaf community used see your face everywhere in bars, now gone?!?!
Are you being a good boy stay behind your desk work hard on Deaf Aid?
Or is it your office girlfriend have a baby soon that you have to focus help her?
Mzee Bubu hears that Deaf Aid will have the big meeting on 2nd february to discuss online resource content.
What online resource content? Positive deaf models, good good? For who? Deaf teachers? Hearing teachers? If both, will it be two languages English and KSL deaf language? Or one language English, ignore deaf kenyans english language poor bottom level?
Deaf Kenyans happy to hear? You get their permission to get their stories printed? Funding must must ethical and fair assurance. Deaf Aid MUST MUST MUST MUST MUST MUST improve, deaf community happy to see more deaf workers top level work at deaf aid MUST MUST improve.
Are you being a good boy stay behind your desk work hard on Deaf Aid?
Or is it your office girlfriend have a baby soon that you have to focus help her?
Mzee Bubu hears that Deaf Aid will have the big meeting on 2nd february to discuss online resource content.
What online resource content? Positive deaf models, good good? For who? Deaf teachers? Hearing teachers? If both, will it be two languages English and KSL deaf language? Or one language English, ignore deaf kenyans english language poor bottom level?
Deaf Kenyans happy to hear? You get their permission to get their stories printed? Funding must must ethical and fair assurance. Deaf Aid MUST MUST MUST MUST MUST MUST improve, deaf community happy to see more deaf workers top level work at deaf aid MUST MUST improve.
Saturday, 27 January 2007
update on HIV/AIDS
Mzee Bubu got this comment from someone who don't say his name:
Good article. Correct me or add more, HIV/AIDS awareness seems to have begun with Kevin Henderson and his World Bank grant when he returned to Kenya and established the HIV/AIDS Awareness Project for the Deaf - Kenya with GRACE. Later on, apparently Kevin H displeased many Deaf Kenyans then abruptly left the project to go work for VCT-Liverpool. I understand VCT for the deaf was already established in BuruBuru, correct? Then another group joined forces with KSLRP and published sign language pamphlets about HIV/AIDS. From there, HIV/AIDs groups/projects for the Deaf seemed to mushroom all of a sudden. Kevin H left VCT-Liverpool for HI - rumours have it that he is not on good terms with the Deaf community so perhaps this is cause of "unnecessary competition" of HIV/AIDS prevention service. So much money are pouring in for HIV/AIDS prevention that people/groups get "greedy" and set up similiar programs which then fragment and fracture the deaf community.
Good article. Correct me or add more, HIV/AIDS awareness seems to have begun with Kevin Henderson and his World Bank grant when he returned to Kenya and established the HIV/AIDS Awareness Project for the Deaf - Kenya with GRACE. Later on, apparently Kevin H displeased many Deaf Kenyans then abruptly left the project to go work for VCT-Liverpool. I understand VCT for the deaf was already established in BuruBuru, correct? Then another group joined forces with KSLRP and published sign language pamphlets about HIV/AIDS. From there, HIV/AIDs groups/projects for the Deaf seemed to mushroom all of a sudden. Kevin H left VCT-Liverpool for HI - rumours have it that he is not on good terms with the Deaf community so perhaps this is cause of "unnecessary competition" of HIV/AIDS prevention service. So much money are pouring in for HIV/AIDS prevention that people/groups get "greedy" and set up similiar programs which then fragment and fracture the deaf community.
Friday, 26 January 2007
Albert M. Abdulkadir of KNDAEP writes
Jambo, Mwenzangu vizi!
Mzee Bubu's friends got a very strange letter (on KNDAEP headletter) from Albert M. Abdulkadir of KNDAEP?!?
Mzee Bubu wants to confirm Nickson is not Mzee Bubu different person. Mzee Bubu agrees with many of Nickson's views. Mzee Bubu knows Nickson sometimes make trouble but many good leaders make trouble change society look at Martin Luther King
Martin Luther King made many trouble fighting for black rights in america yet many white americans still think he is bad but black americans think he wonderful man good heart for black community.
same for Kenyatta. He fight for Kenya to be independent strong good rich away from bad white British. British say Kenyatta a bad man, trouble maker. Many people helped Kenyatta but people blame kenyatta for other people things? no no.
Mzee Bubu weeps because people think mzee bubu is nickson, batholomew, wango, shane, joel, osano, ogembo. Not true, not true! Mzee Bubu lives in kenya, strong heart deaf community, views from deaf heart deaf life deaf tribe. Mzee Bubu wants to help deaf Kenyans know everything. Deaf Kenyans have the BIG RIGHT to know everything. No hiding from Mzee Bubu!
Mzee Bubu weeps why? Deaf Kenyans fight each other. Mzee Bubu only tell the truth and what happened so people will know. Kenya's deaf community have 100% right to have know of all - access to information. Deaf organisations responsible, accountable and answerable to deaf community. If no deaf community, no deaf organisations.
Again Mzee Bubu weeps.
(from Albert M. Abdulkadir of KNDAEP)
January 26, 2007
Dear Nickson Kakiri,
Habari yako, Mzee Bubu!
My name is Albert M. Abdulkadir. I am writing to you in my personal capacity to refute the strange and unfounded allegations against RATN and KAPC found in http://deafpride.blogspot.com/.
These two organizations are highly respected in Kenya and the world. They have gone out of their way to try and help the Deaf community of Kenya, through HIV/AIDS awareness, education and counseling.
I could never have became a professional Counselor if I was not assisted by RATN and KAPC. I and many Deaf students received free tuition, room and board for one month and graduated from with a Certificate in HIV/AIDS Counseling targeting the Deaf. We received nothing less than world class education at this college affiliated with the University of Manchester in the UK.
My one month training at KAPC was the best I have ever received. I say this because of my previous education at Daystar University. My lecturers did not lower or reduce our course load just because some of us could not cope with the Certificate in counseling. We had to follow the same curriculum laid down for normal students. In addition our interpreters used Kenyan Sign Language and were seconded by the Kenyan Sign Language Research Project at the University of Nairobi.
KAPC therefore did us a great service to the Deaf people in this country! They deserve praise for giving an opportunity to those who could not be accommodated by LVCT!
Like many desperate and jobless Deaf people I applied to LVCT for training and but we were refused. Even after we have received our Counseling Certificates from KAPC, we again appealed to LVCT to train us in HIV/AIDS Testing (Which we did not learn at KAPC) so that we could get jobs at VCT centres country wide. Once again we were refused. As a result many of us could not get jobs. Therefore those of us educated by KAPC and RATN are very lucky. If I could find a sponsor I would certainly study at KAPC until I get my PHD since Kenya Association of Professional Counselors offers training at Certificate, Diploma, Higher Diploma, Masters and PHD level.)
People living in glass houses should be the last to throw stones!
Thank you,
Albert M. Abdulkadir,
Awareness, Information Officer and HIV/AIDS Counselor,
Mzee Bubu's friends got a very strange letter (on KNDAEP headletter) from Albert M. Abdulkadir of KNDAEP?!?
Mzee Bubu wants to confirm Nickson is not Mzee Bubu different person. Mzee Bubu agrees with many of Nickson's views. Mzee Bubu knows Nickson sometimes make trouble but many good leaders make trouble change society look at Martin Luther King
Martin Luther King made many trouble fighting for black rights in america yet many white americans still think he is bad but black americans think he wonderful man good heart for black community.
same for Kenyatta. He fight for Kenya to be independent strong good rich away from bad white British. British say Kenyatta a bad man, trouble maker. Many people helped Kenyatta but people blame kenyatta for other people things? no no.
Mzee Bubu weeps because people think mzee bubu is nickson, batholomew, wango, shane, joel, osano, ogembo. Not true, not true! Mzee Bubu lives in kenya, strong heart deaf community, views from deaf heart deaf life deaf tribe. Mzee Bubu wants to help deaf Kenyans know everything. Deaf Kenyans have the BIG RIGHT to know everything. No hiding from Mzee Bubu!
Mzee Bubu weeps why? Deaf Kenyans fight each other. Mzee Bubu only tell the truth and what happened so people will know. Kenya's deaf community have 100% right to have know of all - access to information. Deaf organisations responsible, accountable and answerable to deaf community. If no deaf community, no deaf organisations.
Again Mzee Bubu weeps.
(from Albert M. Abdulkadir of KNDAEP)
January 26, 2007
Dear Nickson Kakiri,
Habari yako, Mzee Bubu!
My name is Albert M. Abdulkadir. I am writing to you in my personal capacity to refute the strange and unfounded allegations against RATN and KAPC found in http://deafpride.blogspot.com/.
These two organizations are highly respected in Kenya and the world. They have gone out of their way to try and help the Deaf community of Kenya, through HIV/AIDS awareness, education and counseling.
I could never have became a professional Counselor if I was not assisted by RATN and KAPC. I and many Deaf students received free tuition, room and board for one month and graduated from with a Certificate in HIV/AIDS Counseling targeting the Deaf. We received nothing less than world class education at this college affiliated with the University of Manchester in the UK.
My one month training at KAPC was the best I have ever received. I say this because of my previous education at Daystar University. My lecturers did not lower or reduce our course load just because some of us could not cope with the Certificate in counseling. We had to follow the same curriculum laid down for normal students. In addition our interpreters used Kenyan Sign Language and were seconded by the Kenyan Sign Language Research Project at the University of Nairobi.
KAPC therefore did us a great service to the Deaf people in this country! They deserve praise for giving an opportunity to those who could not be accommodated by LVCT!
Like many desperate and jobless Deaf people I applied to LVCT for training and but we were refused. Even after we have received our Counseling Certificates from KAPC, we again appealed to LVCT to train us in HIV/AIDS Testing (Which we did not learn at KAPC) so that we could get jobs at VCT centres country wide. Once again we were refused. As a result many of us could not get jobs. Therefore those of us educated by KAPC and RATN are very lucky. If I could find a sponsor I would certainly study at KAPC until I get my PHD since Kenya Association of Professional Counselors offers training at Certificate, Diploma, Higher Diploma, Masters and PHD level.)
People living in glass houses should be the last to throw stones!
Thank you,
Albert M. Abdulkadir,
Awareness, Information Officer and HIV/AIDS Counselor,
Monday, 22 January 2007
an article on Deaf VCT in Disability Kenya
Mzee Bubu got this from his friend today - make interesting read. See below - what you think?
:: Confusion and competition in Deaf VCT services is unnecesary
5th December 2006
The Deaf VCT is one of the most unique counselling and testing programme actually in the World. In 2003 the first batch of Deaf Kenyans were trained by the Liverpool VCT with funding from the CDC.This lead to the establishment of the Nairobi Deaf VCT. Three years down the road the programme has expanded to three VCT sites providing counselling in sign language and testing within standard quality as per the national guidelines for Voluntary Counselling and Testing.
The Deaf in Kenya is one of the most well served in relation to HIV services in the last few years. compared to other disabilities, the Deaf in Kenya have the best disability friendly efforts to mitigate HIV/AIDS. One of the major hurdles this projects have faced is the quality of training if we are using Kenya Sign Language.
Establishing a VCT among the Deaf face the twin issues of confidentiality and quality service within the use of kenya sign language. the level of service delivery should be directly the same as those of the general population. to achive this the issue of ensureing that any adjustments do not in themselves reduce or complicate the issue of service qualitity is quite relevant.
Adjustments need not compromise quality.
To achieve the above two objectives in establishing a deaf VCT various adjustments are necessary to ensure equity of standards. The prime issue is the adaptation of the Training guidelines to suit deaf training. The methods of training, the quality of trainers, the quality of sign language interpreters, the issue of following the basic benchmarks like educational standards of the candidates, the curriculum adoptation issues are all important in ensuring this quality is not compromised. This is because the fact that we are deaf does not mean that we should be sacrificed on the alter of seeking funding.
To achieve this a for the initial Deaf VCT participation in not only selection of candidates but also training and evalutaion after training. This means that haveing gone through this process in 2002-4 certain standards were set that define quality of service to the deaf community. Such standards are critical for any new entrants into the training arean especially for this community. Such standrds it is expected are supposed to be enforced by a regulator which in this case is the Ministry of Health under the National AIDs and STD Control Programme (NASCOP).
However issues arising in the last few month show a different approach to the issue that is not only bringing confusion but also hard-ball competition quite unneccessary in this case. I say quite neccessary because the area of anti-retrovial Treatment among the Deaf has major challenges that demand attention.
The effective enforcement of the issues are integral to maintaining quality service provision. It is important to be aware that any place a deaf client will enter s/he will be treated with the same standard are kept.
Increased competition.
While we appreciate the necesity of competition we abhor competiion outside a level playing field. It is important that new entrants into training deaf counsellors and peer educators use standard curriculum within tested training methods suitable for the deaf. This will ensure quality delivery of services at the sites. However such cannot be enforced if the regulator does not provide the required leadership. Strategic partnerships are necessary to ensure standards are kept. Donors when providing resources to such projects need to consider the existing best practices.
Handicap International (HI) working with Dandora deaf Self help group has plans to initiate a deaf VCT. Initially there were indications of a strategic partnership with Liverpool VCT in training to enable the new deaf staff be absorbed into the new site under the CBO.
LVCT earlier had already held another training in July 2006 and there were other deaf counsellors and peer educators who HI could have absorbed. I may not know what happened but HI ended up seeking alternative training organisation Kenya Association of Professional Counssellors (KAPC) to do the training. They too with funding from RATN had held another training for deaf in general counselling. KAPC have no history or expereince in VCT counselling neither have they trained any certified Deaf counsellors.
Now issues are arising about the quality of the VCT counsellors being trained in the on-going training which started december 4th 2006. will they be counsellors in VCT or what? and what training quality, what service quality, several leaders have asked the questions about the reading and writing capabilites of the selected candidates. Do we have effective sign language adaptations to ensure their clear understandiung of the issues involved?
Confusion in deaf VCT training & regulatory framework
The establishment of a deaf VCT in Nairobi is also rasing eyebrows. Basic strategic thinking will tell you that nairobi has had the highest concentration of Deaf HIV/AIDS programmes. Actually ALL if not 90% of the members of Dandora Self Help group were tested while the Deaf VCT was in Buruburu. It beats logic to say there is need for a deaf VCT in Dandora. We should be talking about peer educators and Care givers. we should be providing jobs for the Deaf who are living with HIV/AIDS not use them in media then emply people who dont know where the shoes pinches.
There is alot of confusion in this because NASCOP the regulator is also unfortunately compromised. Earlier in 2004 one of the persons trained was sacked from the VCT due to issues related to making advances to client. It is unfortunate that this same person was employed by NASCOP VCT in Kenyatta Hospital. This issue has caused alot of rumbling within the community. Enforcing regulations is difficult if other people will ignore the rules.
This has made it hard for the community and its strategic partners to sit and develop an enforceable standards across the board. The deaf therefore may get the wrong message.
Such matters may be brushed under the thick carpet of fundraising and donor coddling, but the lives we are talking about are of no less value. The regulators must arise to the occassion in regard to issues related to quality standardisation of disability-friendly health and education services. The NCPWDs need to speed up its regulatory arm to deal with such issues.
written by Disabilitykenya
:: Confusion and competition in Deaf VCT services is unnecesary
5th December 2006
The Deaf VCT is one of the most unique counselling and testing programme actually in the World. In 2003 the first batch of Deaf Kenyans were trained by the Liverpool VCT with funding from the CDC.This lead to the establishment of the Nairobi Deaf VCT. Three years down the road the programme has expanded to three VCT sites providing counselling in sign language and testing within standard quality as per the national guidelines for Voluntary Counselling and Testing.
The Deaf in Kenya is one of the most well served in relation to HIV services in the last few years. compared to other disabilities, the Deaf in Kenya have the best disability friendly efforts to mitigate HIV/AIDS. One of the major hurdles this projects have faced is the quality of training if we are using Kenya Sign Language.
Establishing a VCT among the Deaf face the twin issues of confidentiality and quality service within the use of kenya sign language. the level of service delivery should be directly the same as those of the general population. to achive this the issue of ensureing that any adjustments do not in themselves reduce or complicate the issue of service qualitity is quite relevant.
Adjustments need not compromise quality.
To achieve the above two objectives in establishing a deaf VCT various adjustments are necessary to ensure equity of standards. The prime issue is the adaptation of the Training guidelines to suit deaf training. The methods of training, the quality of trainers, the quality of sign language interpreters, the issue of following the basic benchmarks like educational standards of the candidates, the curriculum adoptation issues are all important in ensuring this quality is not compromised. This is because the fact that we are deaf does not mean that we should be sacrificed on the alter of seeking funding.
To achieve this a for the initial Deaf VCT participation in not only selection of candidates but also training and evalutaion after training. This means that haveing gone through this process in 2002-4 certain standards were set that define quality of service to the deaf community. Such standards are critical for any new entrants into the training arean especially for this community. Such standrds it is expected are supposed to be enforced by a regulator which in this case is the Ministry of Health under the National AIDs and STD Control Programme (NASCOP).
However issues arising in the last few month show a different approach to the issue that is not only bringing confusion but also hard-ball competition quite unneccessary in this case. I say quite neccessary because the area of anti-retrovial Treatment among the Deaf has major challenges that demand attention.
The effective enforcement of the issues are integral to maintaining quality service provision. It is important to be aware that any place a deaf client will enter s/he will be treated with the same standard are kept.
Increased competition.
While we appreciate the necesity of competition we abhor competiion outside a level playing field. It is important that new entrants into training deaf counsellors and peer educators use standard curriculum within tested training methods suitable for the deaf. This will ensure quality delivery of services at the sites. However such cannot be enforced if the regulator does not provide the required leadership. Strategic partnerships are necessary to ensure standards are kept. Donors when providing resources to such projects need to consider the existing best practices.
Handicap International (HI) working with Dandora deaf Self help group has plans to initiate a deaf VCT. Initially there were indications of a strategic partnership with Liverpool VCT in training to enable the new deaf staff be absorbed into the new site under the CBO.
LVCT earlier had already held another training in July 2006 and there were other deaf counsellors and peer educators who HI could have absorbed. I may not know what happened but HI ended up seeking alternative training organisation Kenya Association of Professional Counssellors (KAPC) to do the training. They too with funding from RATN had held another training for deaf in general counselling. KAPC have no history or expereince in VCT counselling neither have they trained any certified Deaf counsellors.
Now issues are arising about the quality of the VCT counsellors being trained in the on-going training which started december 4th 2006. will they be counsellors in VCT or what? and what training quality, what service quality, several leaders have asked the questions about the reading and writing capabilites of the selected candidates. Do we have effective sign language adaptations to ensure their clear understandiung of the issues involved?
Confusion in deaf VCT training & regulatory framework
The establishment of a deaf VCT in Nairobi is also rasing eyebrows. Basic strategic thinking will tell you that nairobi has had the highest concentration of Deaf HIV/AIDS programmes. Actually ALL if not 90% of the members of Dandora Self Help group were tested while the Deaf VCT was in Buruburu. It beats logic to say there is need for a deaf VCT in Dandora. We should be talking about peer educators and Care givers. we should be providing jobs for the Deaf who are living with HIV/AIDS not use them in media then emply people who dont know where the shoes pinches.
There is alot of confusion in this because NASCOP the regulator is also unfortunately compromised. Earlier in 2004 one of the persons trained was sacked from the VCT due to issues related to making advances to client. It is unfortunate that this same person was employed by NASCOP VCT in Kenyatta Hospital. This issue has caused alot of rumbling within the community. Enforcing regulations is difficult if other people will ignore the rules.
This has made it hard for the community and its strategic partners to sit and develop an enforceable standards across the board. The deaf therefore may get the wrong message.
Such matters may be brushed under the thick carpet of fundraising and donor coddling, but the lives we are talking about are of no less value. The regulators must arise to the occassion in regard to issues related to quality standardisation of disability-friendly health and education services. The NCPWDs need to speed up its regulatory arm to deal with such issues.
written by Disabilitykenya
Tuesday, 16 January 2007
Kevin Warnke's HARD FACTS - Deaf Aid
Deaf Kenyans,
Kevin Warnke of Deaf Aid replied now he explained everything. Up to you decide take believe or not. Mzee Bubu leave it for everyone see believe or not.
His answers:
KEVIN: Since the previous comment asks for specific responses, I will provide them now. First of all, I don't like it when Mzee Bubu says that I am brainwashed. This is an insult. I am an intelligent person who can make my own decisions and have my own beliefs. Please do not insult me. Please be respectful. Secondly, I'll respond to some of these claims individually.
KEVIN: This is not true. Deaf Aid has eight ongoing projects here in Kenya. A resource center in Kisii, where parents have been taught ksl and students from the nearby deaf school have received some training in computers support the food program for the Gianchere School for the Deaf (near Kisii) an online resource center that will be reviewed by validation panel composed of deaf advisors encouraging cooperation among all stakeholders for the creation of a registry and certification process for interpreters that will be recognized by the Kenyan government. interpreters are expected to take control of this process as soon as the foundation is laid. empowerment of kise distance learning--putting materials related to special education online to make the information more accessible to teachers in training. the development of a ksl manual in collaboration with kslrp. this is designed to improve ksl instruction and facilitate individual learning. ksl early education in Kibera and kawangware for young children. improving their access to ksl at a younger age will help their intellectual development. a foster parenting programme to help send deaf children to deaf schools
KEVIN: A year or two ago, Jean-Claude spent some time learning ksl from kslrp. he recognizes that his signing skills are still poor and need to improve.
KEVIN: Your facts are not correct. The deaf woman who cleans the office is paid 250/- for a half-days work. Many hearing women would do the same job at this rate or less. In one month, her salary is 2,000/-. Outside of the office, she is also hired by Jean-Claude to wash clothes on saturdays. She is paid 400/- per day. This is a normal wage in Kenya (above normal, actually). She has also been given a personal phone for communication and she will be given a hearing aid in the near future. The other teacher is a full-time teacher named Patrick who was recommended to Deaf Aid by Deaf Ministries International. (Patrick is the leader of the youth group at the Immanuel Church for the Deaf.) He is employed full-time. The third person is a deaf man named Duke, who is from Kisii. He is employed full-time at the Resource Center in Kisii. He shares responsibility for the resource center and recently trained deaf children for basic computer skills. Gro, the deaf volunteer from Norway, was volunteering at the Gianchere School for the Deaf. She has finished her time and has now returned home.
KEVIN: When? If he has lied to me, please inform me.
KEVIN: Jean-Claude has not ignored the deaf community. He agrees that he needs to do a better job communicating with more people in the deaf community. It is an absolute lie to say that he wants to destroy and divide the deaf community. Deaf Aid does not feel that this situation is "a nightmare." This is a situation caused by poor communication. Deaf Aid recognizes that and is now moving forward to address these issues.
Kevin Warnke of Deaf Aid replied now he explained everything. Up to you decide take believe or not. Mzee Bubu leave it for everyone see believe or not.
His answers:
KEVIN: Since the previous comment asks for specific responses, I will provide them now. First of all, I don't like it when Mzee Bubu says that I am brainwashed. This is an insult. I am an intelligent person who can make my own decisions and have my own beliefs. Please do not insult me. Please be respectful. Secondly, I'll respond to some of these claims individually.
**Jean-Claude is strong in oralism/He does not believe in KSL**
KEVIN: This is not true. Deaf Aid has eight ongoing projects here in Kenya. A resource center in Kisii, where parents have been taught ksl and students from the nearby deaf school have received some training in computers support the food program for the Gianchere School for the Deaf (near Kisii) an online resource center that will be reviewed by validation panel composed of deaf advisors encouraging cooperation among all stakeholders for the creation of a registry and certification process for interpreters that will be recognized by the Kenyan government. interpreters are expected to take control of this process as soon as the foundation is laid. empowerment of kise distance learning--putting materials related to special education online to make the information more accessible to teachers in training. the development of a ksl manual in collaboration with kslrp. this is designed to improve ksl instruction and facilitate individual learning. ksl early education in Kibera and kawangware for young children. improving their access to ksl at a younger age will help their intellectual development. a foster parenting programme to help send deaf children to deaf schools
***He cannot sign. No KSL.***
KEVIN: A year or two ago, Jean-Claude spent some time learning ksl from kslrp. he recognizes that his signing skills are still poor and need to improve.
***three deaf staff at Deaf Aid. A deaf cleaner
(wage poor 1000/ per month), a parttime teacher
and deaf volunteer from Norway. Bottom level pay jobs.***
(wage poor 1000/ per month), a parttime teacher
and deaf volunteer from Norway. Bottom level pay jobs.***
KEVIN: Your facts are not correct. The deaf woman who cleans the office is paid 250/- for a half-days work. Many hearing women would do the same job at this rate or less. In one month, her salary is 2,000/-. Outside of the office, she is also hired by Jean-Claude to wash clothes on saturdays. She is paid 400/- per day. This is a normal wage in Kenya (above normal, actually). She has also been given a personal phone for communication and she will be given a hearing aid in the near future. The other teacher is a full-time teacher named Patrick who was recommended to Deaf Aid by Deaf Ministries International. (Patrick is the leader of the youth group at the Immanuel Church for the Deaf.) He is employed full-time. The third person is a deaf man named Duke, who is from Kisii. He is employed full-time at the Resource Center in Kisii. He shares responsibility for the resource center and recently trained deaf children for basic computer skills. Gro, the deaf volunteer from Norway, was volunteering at the Gianchere School for the Deaf. She has finished her time and has now returned home.
***he lie to marit, kevin and other people.***
KEVIN: When? If he has lied to me, please inform me.
***he ignore deaf community.***
KEVIN: Jean-Claude has not ignored the deaf community. He agrees that he needs to do a better job communicating with more people in the deaf community. It is an absolute lie to say that he wants to destroy and divide the deaf community. Deaf Aid does not feel that this situation is "a nightmare." This is a situation caused by poor communication. Deaf Aid recognizes that and is now moving forward to address these issues.
Saturday, 13 January 2007
Let start say goodbye to Jean-Claude
Jean-Claude has to go:
Mzee Bubu - www.deafpride.blogspot.com
the blog is to help breaking the lies and tell Kenya's Deaf Community and the world the truth.
- he is strong oralism. he do not believe in kenya sign language. He want deaf kids to use speak only no sign.
- he is from Togo. He not respect kenyan culture. He use our women here, cheap and easy.
- He been Norway for a few years. Norway famous big high wages. Respect for everyone. Equality. Everyone the same. He learn nothing from Norway. He want control big boss. Bad bad.
- He cannot sign. No KSL. No respect for deaf people.
- three deaf staff at Deaf Aid. A deaf cleaner (wage poor 1000/ per month), a parttime teacher and deaf volunteer from Norway. Bottom level pay jobs.
- he lie to marit, kevin and other people. Kenyans not trust Jean but marit and kevin believe the lying Jean why? Marit and Kevin have very good hearts. Jean know how to lie grab their heart change it wash their brains with lies influence make strong they believe him they say 'poor jean, we will stay for you. we love you.'
- he ignore deaf community. Deaf leaders complained to Marit the Norwegian woman big boss. Now start listening maybe there will be big change?
Mzee Bubu - www.deafpride.blogspot.com
the blog is to help breaking the lies and tell Kenya's Deaf Community and the world the truth.
Friday, 12 January 2007
KSLIA writing to Norwegian Association of the Deaf
a kind friend have passed this email to Mzee Bubu. Jack Owiti is an interpreter working in Nairobi. He is the chair of Kenyan Sign Language Interpreters Association. Deaf Aid have damaged the proposed Registry and bad smell between Jean-Claude and the KSL interpreters. Shane of Kenya Deaf Children Trust told Mzee Bubu that he did talk to Jean-Claude about his concerns re: the Registry and suggested that a Scottish interpreter name Liz Scott-Gibson (famous famous) can help Deaf Aid. Jean-Claude was rude saying NO NO NO! WE DONT WANT ANYONE!
This is Jack's letter to Paal Richard Peterson, the chief at Norwegian Association of the Deaf sent last week.
Mr. Peterson,
Thanks for the clarification. The real issue here is not the amount of money Deaf AID has for projects in Kenya.... the real issues that the Deaf in Kenya have against Deaf AID is lack of inclusion of the Deaf Leaders and stakeholders in the planning and implementation of their projects in Kenya.
While it is important for the Kenyan Deaf to have correct information, it is also paramount for the Orgs working with the Deaf, for the Deaf and with the Deaf to be transparent and adhere to legal requirements in the countries they operate in. You will agree with me that in Norway before any organization begins to work with the Norwigean Deaf peole they will contact the Deaf Association and maybe the social services department to learn the priorities and involve the key leaders etc The Deaf Kenyans are crying for the same, inclusion....working with them not for them!!! I do not want to give a lecture in Development models and theories so I leave it at that.
There are alot of questions that the Deaf are asking and they are very valid. I hope Marit and Jean will not ignore these questions. SHIA and other organizations have ignored the small voices of concern and questioning and look at their position with the African Deaf Association....The track record is alarming, frightening and very very wanting. From the North to the South you can see their foot prints - No strong association existing in Kenya, Tanzania, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, Uganda....you may say they have some form of association Yes BUT are they as strong? are they empowered? are they reaching their full potential?
As a friend of the Deaf community in Kenya I want to be proud of Deaf Kenyans being empowered, going to school, accessing information, Education, Healthcare, politics, economic stability and living productive lives. This can only be achieved by empowering the Deaf leaders, the Deaf youths and investing in the intrastructures and systems that are proven over time to breakthrough the barriers...am talking about the overall well being of the Deaf person not as an object of benevolence.
Marit, Jean and Mr. Peterson the issues is not really the 66million is how the millions (if indeed you have it) will be used to benefit the Deaf in the rural areas and those in the capital cities of Kenya. I am still hoping that Deaf AID will respond to the concerns of the Kenyan Ddeaf people.
This is Jack's letter to Paal Richard Peterson, the chief at Norwegian Association of the Deaf sent last week.
Mr. Peterson,
Thanks for the clarification. The real issue here is not the amount of money Deaf AID has for projects in Kenya.... the real issues that the Deaf in Kenya have against Deaf AID is lack of inclusion of the Deaf Leaders and stakeholders in the planning and implementation of their projects in Kenya.
While it is important for the Kenyan Deaf to have correct information, it is also paramount for the Orgs working with the Deaf, for the Deaf and with the Deaf to be transparent and adhere to legal requirements in the countries they operate in. You will agree with me that in Norway before any organization begins to work with the Norwigean Deaf peole they will contact the Deaf Association and maybe the social services department to learn the priorities and involve the key leaders etc The Deaf Kenyans are crying for the same, inclusion....working with them not for them!!! I do not want to give a lecture in Development models and theories so I leave it at that.
There are alot of questions that the Deaf are asking and they are very valid. I hope Marit and Jean will not ignore these questions. SHIA and other organizations have ignored the small voices of concern and questioning and look at their position with the African Deaf Association....The track record is alarming, frightening and very very wanting. From the North to the South you can see their foot prints - No strong association existing in Kenya, Tanzania, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, Uganda....you may say they have some form of association Yes BUT are they as strong? are they empowered? are they reaching their full potential?
As a friend of the Deaf community in Kenya I want to be proud of Deaf Kenyans being empowered, going to school, accessing information, Education, Healthcare, politics, economic stability and living productive lives. This can only be achieved by empowering the Deaf leaders, the Deaf youths and investing in the intrastructures and systems that are proven over time to breakthrough the barriers...am talking about the overall well being of the Deaf person not as an object of benevolence.
Marit, Jean and Mr. Peterson the issues is not really the 66million is how the millions (if indeed you have it) will be used to benefit the Deaf in the rural areas and those in the capital cities of Kenya. I am still hoping that Deaf AID will respond to the concerns of the Kenyan Ddeaf people.
- The Advisory Council being implemented increasing the level of participation of Deaf kenyans.
- Involvement of Kenyan Interpreters in the KRITD process
- Employment of Deaf Kenyans in Deaf AID initiatives - not just as cleaners, tea makers and teachers.
- Open and transparent collaboration with Deaf Organizations and governance structures in Kenya - You may not believe it but KNAD is a product of the leadership, corruption and politics.
As we enter the New Year I hope that the points above will be Deaf AIDS priority and not the existance or lack of the 66 million. We would however like to know the annual budget for Deaf AID....the ground reports and talking with beneficiaries in Kisii and Karen reveal that there is little or no tangible suppport from Deaf AID....(from a reliable source in Kenya)
Jack Owiti
Kenyan Sign Language Interpreters Association (KSLIA)
Thursday, 11 January 2007
GDC & KSL Promotion
Mzee Bubu was forwarded an email from Global Deaf Connection (which was sent out today) talking about GDC's works in promoting Kenyan Sign Language.
GDC has been granted the right to reproduce and distribute throughout Kenya a KSL interactive CD ROM consisting of 3,000 KSL signs. The entertaining instructional CD was produced inhouse by some Peace Corps volunteers and the Kenya Sign Language Research Project last year. Ten youth will be on hand as volunteers to assist GDC in this reproduction endeavor.
Julie (Guberman) Hochgesang (d) was involved heavily in the creation of the CD along with several Peace Corps volunteers such as: Jesse Guberman, Jessica Dankert and Erin Moore with support from University of Nairobi's Kenya Sign Language Research Project.
Mzee Bubu very happy see more KSL materials developed :-)
We Deaf Kenyans need more materials, more resources, more research, proper bilingual education in Kenya!
GDC has been granted the right to reproduce and distribute throughout Kenya a KSL interactive CD ROM consisting of 3,000 KSL signs. The entertaining instructional CD was produced inhouse by some Peace Corps volunteers and the Kenya Sign Language Research Project last year. Ten youth will be on hand as volunteers to assist GDC in this reproduction endeavor.
Julie (Guberman) Hochgesang (d) was involved heavily in the creation of the CD along with several Peace Corps volunteers such as: Jesse Guberman, Jessica Dankert and Erin Moore with support from University of Nairobi's Kenya Sign Language Research Project.
Mzee Bubu very happy see more KSL materials developed :-)
We Deaf Kenyans need more materials, more resources, more research, proper bilingual education in Kenya!
'Bad Boy, Washington Opiyo!' Jean-Claude Laughs
Mzee Bubu's friends told Mzee Bubu a big sad story.
Mr Washington Opiyo Sati of Liverpool VCT Deaf Services sent off a courageous email to Marit, the President of DeafAid complaining about Mr Jean-Claude Adzalla being a big bully.
What happened?
Marit and Jean-Claude emailed Washington Opiyo in private telling him off and they complained to the Big Boss in Liverpool VCT.
What happened?
Yesterday Washington Opiyo, a deaf man with honour and respect, went to Jean-Claude Adzalla's office where HE HAD TO APOLOGISE to Jean-Claude for his email.
You must love it, Jean-Claude, having people licking your shiny shoes, with your pregnant woman sitting in your office, working for you.
Washington Opiyo only said nothing BUT the entire truth. Jean-Claude and Marit covered it up by controlling Washington Opiyo because Washington Opiyo works for one of the most important NGOs in Kenya: Liverpool VCT.
Mr Washington Opiyo Sati of Liverpool VCT Deaf Services sent off a courageous email to Marit, the President of DeafAid complaining about Mr Jean-Claude Adzalla being a big bully.
What happened?
Marit and Jean-Claude emailed Washington Opiyo in private telling him off and they complained to the Big Boss in Liverpool VCT.
What happened?
Yesterday Washington Opiyo, a deaf man with honour and respect, went to Jean-Claude Adzalla's office where HE HAD TO APOLOGISE to Jean-Claude for his email.
You must love it, Jean-Claude, having people licking your shiny shoes, with your pregnant woman sitting in your office, working for you.
Washington Opiyo only said nothing BUT the entire truth. Jean-Claude and Marit covered it up by controlling Washington Opiyo because Washington Opiyo works for one of the most important NGOs in Kenya: Liverpool VCT.
Wednesday, 10 January 2007
Deaf Aid's Kevin Warnke responding
Mzee Bubu got this from Kevin Warnke, a American volunteer at Deaf Aid.
"These are lies. Jean-Claude and Marit did not contact anyone at Liverpool to force Opiyo to apologize. Jean-Claude responded personally to Opyio's email. Opiyo himself decided to come to the office Monday to discuss ways that Liverpool VCT might be able to work with Deaf Aid. There conversation was friendly and respectful. I was there and interpreted the whole meeting. Opiyo is a smart, honest man. Ask him for the truth. I can't believe he would tell you these lies. Find the truth instead of publishing rumors and gossip."
Kevin Warnke isn't a paid employee @ Deaf Aid yet Jean-Claude and Marit use him as their shield against Kenya's Deaf community. It is unfair on him cuz he is a good man put in a very unwanted position, trying to make the Deaf community happy and protect Jean-Claude.
Mzee Bubu feels 4 Kevin big time! Mzee Bubu feels Kevin is a good man should not be inside problems started by Jean-Claude, weep weep.
Go home, Jean-Claude, no-one wants you!
Jean-Claude's Nightmare
Jean-Claude just got back from Togo. He thought he can get away from the problems that the little moaning Deaf Kenyans have caused for him.
Oh, no...not at all.
The problems were started by himself...he led so much lies against Deaf Kenyans while he go around telling people lies about the lies that talks about even more lies. Yet he would go and accurse KNAD of being such a corrupted organisation.
'Oooooh, bad Mzee Wango, he's a bad man!' Jean-Claude singed. 'Bad man! Bad man! Me, a Togo man, I know everything!'
Is Mr Jean-Claude fit enough to lead Norwegian Deaf Aid with Marit the Boss fawning her lovely Norwegian eyes at him?
Oh, no...not at all.
The problems were started by himself...he led so much lies against Deaf Kenyans while he go around telling people lies about the lies that talks about even more lies. Yet he would go and accurse KNAD of being such a corrupted organisation.
'Oooooh, bad Mzee Wango, he's a bad man!' Jean-Claude singed. 'Bad man! Bad man! Me, a Togo man, I know everything!'
Is Mr Jean-Claude fit enough to lead Norwegian Deaf Aid with Marit the Boss fawning her lovely Norwegian eyes at him?
Saturday, 06 January 2007
Daniel Ogembo's Letter to Marit of Deaf Aid
Mzee Bubu got another email written by Daniel Ogembo, a famous deaf leader (South Rift Valley Association of the Deaf)
Dear Marit,
I salute you in the name of our Lord and saviour Jesus for this precious and prosperous New Year 2007! I hope and trust that this year finds you in good health and spirit.
I thank you for your e-mail copied to me and my colleagues. I really appreciate your thoughtfulness and transparency in this issue.
I would now like to present to you my personal views as the elected Chairman of South Rift Valley Association of the Deaf and Board member of Kenya National Association of the Deaf.
I received the e-mails from Nickson, Opiyo, KNAD and Jack, among other concerned Deaf Kenyans.
What I read is a true and just reference of the issue at hand.
Now I would like to add my own voice to this saga.
The reason why I am not happy with Deaf Aid programmes are the following:-
1. I was in a meeting of Deaf Aid last year, the first time I was involved with this organization. I and other Deaf Kenyans talked with Jean-Claude and advised him that a NGO of this national scale must involve Deaf Kenyans. He declined to clarify on his intentions for Deaf Aid and decided to shroud the whole issue in secrecy. Why would he try to register a NGO which claims to assist the Deaf people of Kenya and yet NOT INVOLVE Kenyans themselves, especially when we know him to be from Togo, a West African country reputed for its money laundering scams?
2. When Deaf Aid was finally formed, we saw how Mr. Jean-Claude was exploiting poverty stricken Deaf Kenyans through biased employment and abuse of job seekers. Why should he abuse one particular Deaf lady by paying her Kenya Shillings 1,000/= (US$12) per month as her salary, against all employment provisions in the Laws of Kenya? He must be told in no uncertain terms that he broke the law and that even if Deaf Kenyans are poor, they have dignity!
3. Jean-Claude left Kenya after gathering all information he needed from appreciative Deaf Kenyans. He has now misused our trust by using the same information for his own personal gain. (Under the name of the Deaf people of Kenya.) We do not even have an iota of information regarding whether Deaf Aid is for the Deaf or by the Deaf. Why should an organization claiming to help the Deaf people of Kenya be shrouded in such secrecy?
4. We have never ever seen the constitution of Deaf Aid and its policies. This is in my view the bane of all this misinformation and problems. We request you to give us this information as a matter of urgency.
5. We don’t know the objectives, aims and missions of Deaf Aid. Without this information we justly feel that he is simply using money that donors wholeheartedly earmarked for the poorest of the poor Deaf Kenyans for selfish gain. We may be poor but we have intelligent Kenyans who have our welfare at heart.
Having said all that I believe that I should also include my personal suggestions:-
1. Call an urgent meeting with the Deaf community in Kenya to hear our general views. This will then be the beginning of a constructive discussion regarding Deaf Aid.
2. I future that you involve Deaf Kenyans in all projects, no matter how small and that country officials should be Deaf Kenyans themselves. In this case Deaf Aid country director should be a Kenyan to restore credibility and the majority of Board members should be Kenyans too.
3. Deaf Aid should maintain a high degree of transparency and accountability to the Deaf people of Kenya. All information should be made public because no organization can survive without the good will of the host country’s Deaf community.
4. It is sad to impose on Deaf Kenyans someone who has no knowledge of Sign Language such as Jean-Claude. This will only foster ill will and mutual mistrust.
5. The principle of full disclosure should be observed in future especially if and when funds are intended for all the Deaf people of Kenya.
Thanking you in advance, I beg to remain,
Yours faithfully,
Daniel Ogembo Otiende
South Rift Valley Association of the Deaf,
& Board Member of KNAD.
Tuesday, 02 January 2007
Mzee Wango correcting GDC's 'distortion'
that was given to me by one of my colleagues working in Kenya's Deaf community. Mzee Wango (Peter Wango Opany) is the Executive Director of KNAD. He is a good man and he have worked hard for Kenya's Deaf Community. Big good heart.
It is for Dr Ron of Global Deaf Connection based in Minnesota, a State in the USA.
It is for Dr Ron of Global Deaf Connection based in Minnesota, a State in the USA.
Dear Sir / Madam,
Kenya National Association of the deaf, a non governmental non profit making charitable organization that promotes the welfare of the Deaf Citizens of Kenya, in all spheres affecting their fundamental rights, do thank your organization for the important role you are playing by supporting Deaf teachers who are undertaking their teaching courses financially and materially as well as paying salaries for 6 sign language interpreters in the college where Deaf students are stationed. This is plaudible in the eyes of the Government of Kenya, Parents of the Deaf and the Deaf Community at large. THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!
Meanwhile you have relieved KNAD from the difficult task of seeking funds to support the needy Deaf student teachers from the enormous task of securing funds, which was difficult at the beginning of 1996 when the first batch of Deaf teachers were admitted into Machakos Teachers College. This was very difficult to us but through hard work of sourcing out funds, we managed to sponsor 6 deaf students to Machakos for the first time, then you took over in the year of 1999 to date. With you first paying the 3rd batch that went to Kamagambo Teachers College a private institution for teachers, when the Ministry of education cant allow those with D+ pass to join teaching profession, until we advocated for lower grade for deaf to join teaching profession which is now C- and above.
This has been an uphill task for KNAD before Global Deaf Connection came into the field. However better we tried to open up avenues for the Deaf to become teachers. We are saddened to read in your website and Newsletters that Global Deaf Connection was the first in the fight for placement of Deaf teachers into Teaching Profession. This is blackmailing our efforts for good gains where you have not sowed at first. KNAD sowed and Global Deaf Connection watered the seeds to sprout. This is how we appreciate it.
To begin with I must explain the history of your being connected with the service to the Deaf Community in Kenya. Way back in 1997 Mr. Kevin Long approached me in my office in KNAD after his contract of service in Kenya has come to an end. He was very desperate and looking uncouth because he knew he is leaving and chances of life in USA is very slim to him. Kenya being a country where he enjoyed all the freedom and enjoyment of life at his will touched his heart and he was looking for ways and means to come back to start a project to assist the desperate Deaf Kenyans whose culture he has cherished when he was teaching at Nyagweso school for Deaf in Nyanza province.
He approached me with an idea of opening a hotel in any part of Kenya where he can start hotel business to give employment opportunities to Deaf Kenyans. After a lengthily discussion with him I advised him that many Deaf Kenyans are not highly educated and his business may end up in the hands of hearing persons with deaf people as cleaners and kitchen hands. He agreed with my advice. I advised him that inorder to be successful first of all the deaf Kenyans must get higher education which can stand them in good stead in future. Hence I put into his mind the idea of raising funds in the USA for deaf education in Kenya because many deaf Kenyans can’t get funds to further their education. On that day the idea of KENYA FOUNDATION FOR DEAF EDUCATION was born. Kevin requested me for an official letter from KNAD introducing him as a fundraiser in USA to support needy students who are unable to pay fees. I wrote a nice introduction letter which he took with him when his contract in Kenya is offer. Back in USA we continued to communicate. Kevin informed me that the mission is successful but need visiting cards introducing him as fundraiser for KNAD in USA I made two rims for him which he took with him with a big smile not knowing that the person whom I was helping will be our ripper in future.
When Kevin settled in USA with all the necessary documents provided by KNAD he registered in USA, KENYA FOUNDATION FOR DEAF EDUCATION which he informed me was in his home state. He then informed me that fund raising is very good but he has not stand stiff and convinced me to wait until he has strengthened it. I waited till 2001 to my amazement he changed the name to EAST AFRICAN DEAF CONNECTION due to lust for more money and a big empire. At this time I was not serving KNAD and he joined those who kicked me out of KNAD which he later come to abandon for reasons not known to me. But by this time he started to sponsor a few deaf students undertaking teaching course at Kamagambo Teachers College. His lust for more money and a greater empire did not abandon him a few years later he changed EAST AFRICAN DEAF CONNECTION to GLOBAL DEAF CONNECTION to smile on top of the world.
We Deaf Kenyans appreciate what Global Deaf Connection is doing but infact it is in the country without approval from the registrar of societies or NGO registration council recognition as a legitimate organization authorized to do business in Kenya. However through its partners such as Kenya National Association of the Deaf Kenya Society for Deaf Children and others it is floating because Kenya do not have strong laws to scrutinize illegal NGO’s operating in the country.
Worse to it, its appointed director Mr. Joel Runnels do not have an office where to operate the activities of Global Deaf Connection. Neither a steering committee is in place since its operations in Kenya. This is a breach of protocol and I do not know that Mr Joel has a working permit in Kenya or a visitors visa.
We deaf Kenyans in KNAD are weak financially but active in the advocacy for the promotion of the rights of the deaf that is why our neighbouring countries gained experience from us. In addition we have deaf teachers teaching in schools for the deaf and we have good networking with partners but others seem to exploit us due to the fact that we do not have resources at disposal to fight the vice. This is our enemy number one. I therefore appeal to those who came through us to recognize us with due respect instead of ripping from us and join other partners labeling us as dormant.
Global Deaf Connection has been flopping from one disability organizations to another as counterparts, first with KNAD, then Kenya programmes for Disabled persons and lastly we hear it is now with Kenya Society for the Deaf Children. I am asking you as the person who introduced the initiative. Are you serious in establishing Global Deaf Connection in Kenya or doing Scottish dance in our eyes?
I am not critical to you but want an organization which was my pipe dream well established in Kenya. Although personally I have never tasted a penny in appreciation for my work but am proud to see the education for my deaf brothers and sisters taken into consideration. Otherwise there comes a time when I will be awarded for the course.
Wishing Global Deaf Connection the best.
Peter W. Opany
Executive Director
CBM's work in the Deaf Community
CBM Kenya have seven projects at:
- Agricultural Training Centre for the Blind & Deaf @ Sikri
- Kabarnet School for the Deaf/Blind Children
- Kerugoya School for the Deaf
- Kuja Primary School for the Deaf
- Maseno School for the Deaf
- PCEA - Kambui School for the Deaf
- Tumutumu School for Deaf Children
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