jean claude, where are you? Did you disappear from our bars in Nairobi? The deaf community used see your face everywhere in bars, now gone?!?!
Are you being a good boy stay behind your desk work hard on Deaf Aid?
Or is it your office girlfriend have a baby soon that you have to focus help her?
Mzee Bubu hears that Deaf Aid will have the big meeting on 2nd february to discuss online resource content.
What online resource content? Positive deaf models, good good? For who? Deaf teachers? Hearing teachers? If both, will it be two languages English and KSL deaf language? Or one language English, ignore deaf kenyans english language poor bottom level?
Deaf Kenyans happy to hear? You get their permission to get their stories printed? Funding must must ethical and fair assurance. Deaf Aid MUST MUST MUST MUST MUST MUST improve, deaf community happy to see more deaf workers top level work at deaf aid MUST MUST improve.