correction here thanks to Sitara Sheikh and Norma Moran (via Nickson) 4 writing and correcting Mzee Bubu
"""""Norma and I wanted to inform you that the KFDT website address (kenyandeafteachers.tripod.com]) has been shut down due to heavy "pop ups" adveristments and those things will interfere with the one's reading.
The website is still www.freewebs.com/kenyadeafteachers as announced in the 10/18/06 email.
Can you please inform Mzee Bubu because he put the first address on his blog. We don't want the interested readers to be confused.
Asante Sana,
Sitara and Norma"""""
remember new right address: www.freewebs.com/kenyadeafteachers