(mzee bubu got this info on this from someone who won't tell his name)
Susan Mugwe have started a new school near Kitengle for primary, secondary, technical and college. For deaf children at primary and secondary, hearing interpreters students at college level. learn what? KSL/English interpreting. Hairdressing course. Metalwork etc.
Abraham Namukoa worked teacher where Kuja Secondary School at Rongo. Joel Mzungu of GDC ask him become student teacher tutor at Machakos Teachers College to support deaf students at MTC. Abraham say yes. Then Mugwe go and pinched Abraham, say MORE MONEY WAGE? Abraham say YES YES, jump Joel Mzungu's boat, leave for Kitengle for the new school as teacher of the deaf.
Mzee heard there is one deaf kid in primary department, 4 in secondary department, 9 in college and interpreting course. He heard Mugwe have money problem problem.
Now what happen? Mugwe have chased Abraham away from her school. Abraham said why? make lies false accurse. Mzee Bubu thinks Susan Mugwe's school now very bad shake up, maybe close down?
Mzee Bubu will write more about Susan Mugwe.