Thursday, 22 February 2007

World Bank Grant for HIV training

The World Bank granted Kevin Mzungu Henderson $85,293 (in 2003) to support the development of HIV awareness training in Kenya's deaf community. Look good. Mzee Bubu glad there are people like Kevin H who want the best safe way to live long.


Awarded: HIV Awareness Project of the Deaf - 1529
Project #: 03-1529
Country: Kenya
Organisation: Sahaya International; Inc
Partners: GRACE (GrassRoot Alliance for Community Education)
Sector: HIV-AIDS
Awarded: US$85,293

Project Description

To reduce the transmission of HIV in Kenya's deaf community by developing a peer-educator program that teaches HIV prevention in sign language.

The deaf community in Kenya, estimated at between 300,000 and 600,000, represents a significant portion of the country's two million HIV-infected people. A study of some 88 deaf students around the age of 18 reveals that three-quarters of them know very little about HIV. Among other contributing factors, a curriculum in sign language about HIV does not exist, and health care professionals—already overwhelmed with the pandemic—find it difficult to focus on a marginalized and isolated group. The results are devastating. Deaf children continue to lose parents and teachers to AIDS. They become sexually active and pregnant at a young age and are more prone to sexual abuse than their peers who can hear.

Innovation / Expected Results
The development of a peer-educator system for HIV prevention and support, which includes a curriculum and training manuals for master educators and peer educators, will provide a model for deaf communities around the world. The use of sign language and peer educators to promote HIV/AIDS awareness is a novel approach to empowering the deaf community in Kenya. New visual aids and a larger vocabulary in Kenyan sign language will be developed to better address the needs of as many as 1,300 deaf adults and children.

Project Manager: Kevin Henderson,,contentMDK:20208581~menuPK:214469~pagePK:180691~piPK:174492~theSitePK:205098,00.html