MZEE BUBU support good hearing and good deaf who work hard make deaf community strong and good. He is against bad deaf bad hearing. Mzee Bubu weeps when deaf confuse good hearing and bad hearing together. Joel Omondi maybe bad maybe good, up to deaf community decide what to do.
one commentor wrote to Mzee Bubu:
Dear Mzee Bubu,
Joel has internet access and can post his own praises as many times as he wishes!
The average Deaf Kenyans cannot afford expensive internet to defend him.
In fact only few people in their right mind would defend such a man!
Joel has stained the name of the Deaf people in Kenya.
In trying to justify his corrupt activities under the watchful nose of Mzee Bubu, He is only smearing and smearing his dirty name again!
Even if he dies tomorrow, this stain, if stain there will be, will forever remain on his but and on his useless WWW.DISABILITY.KENYA.ORG which he uses to enrich himself at the expense of Deaf Kenyans.
When he fights the likes of HI and Jean Claude does he not realise he himself is hearing and therefore no different from them? Does he not kinow he has no right to missuse the name of Deaf people, their photographs (see, their NGO, etc. to earn money for his business?
Shame on you gready Africa Pig Man!
NB: The following persons and their photographs have earned Joel KSH. 1,234,567.89/= by using their pictures illegally.
[Picture 1 Group Photo for all the official participants.
Picture 2 Boniface U Inyanya (deaf) Executive Director KNDAEP with Dr. Elizabeth Murum
Picture 3 Boniface, Dr. Murum, Aggrey, Dr. Miriam and a Staff of LVCT.
Picture 4 Group Photgragh for the Event.
Picture 5 Aggrey, Mr. Cheruyiot deputy Director NACC, Boniface...
picture 6 Preparations for the event was comprehensive work... Dr. June of CDC leads the way in rehearsals for the big event
Picture 7 Joel Omondi leads Dr. Murum in through the stairway......
picture 8 Dr. murum, Boniface, Maina, Moses with Aggrey doing the kenya sign language interpretation
picture 9 Finally the whole thing would happen in this parking place....watching are boniface, Dr. June, Joel, Dr. Murum, and Prince of LVCT....
picture 10 so lets meet during the event...Dr. Murum see you..
Picture 11 The great partnerships that brought up this unique programme
picture 12 Dr. Murum of CDC making a speech...
Picture 13 Leah Muruka, Maina and Moses the deaf VCT staff counsellors of the Nairobi Deaf VCT as it was opening...
Picture 14 Aggrey, Boniface, Prince, Dr. June, Dr. Murum, Joel, Denis listening to a presentation...
Picture 15 Mr. Cheruyiot of the National AIDS Control Council (NACC) the government agency that funds the KNDAEP...
Picture 16 Mr. Cheruyiot makes his speech during
Picture 17 Boniface wellcomes Dr. Murum of the CDC to the ceremony....
Picture 18 Some of the dignitaries from the embassy listening...
Picture 19
Picture 20 Moses Nteere a Deaf VCT staff counsellor making a presentation to...
Picture 21 Master of ceremonies Joel Omondi introducing to the crowd....
Picture 22 The Master of Ceremonies introducing Dr. Murum to make her speech. Holding the umbrella is Joab one of the deaf leaders.
Picture 23 Boniface, Joel and Dr. Murum listening attentively...
Picture 24 Special thanks for not only a graet Day but also the beggining of a grat project...
Picture 25 Aggrey interprets for the deaf audience the presentations...
Picture 26 Signing the visitors book at the KNDAEP offices..... Dr. Leslie Rowe.
Picture 27 The US government will support the scalling up of ARV treatment from the current low levels to 140,000 within the next five years.... Mrs. Rowe deputy chief de mission
Picture 28 Mr. Cheruyiot says the NACC coordinates the National response against AIDs...
Picture 29 Boniface Inyanya making a speech in which he spelt out the various challenges the deaf and the disabled ..]
It is time to read this dying corrupt dinosaur his last rites of passage.